I still miss Indie103.1. On lazy mornings, I just lie in bed and listen to my walkman.
Sunday mornings were the best, because I'd be awake early, but I'd listen to Headtrip with Christian B. The song selections were perfect for Sunday morning in bed. T
hen there were those late nights driving home from meeting a friend, or after a show, and they'd play shoegaze on Sonic Heaven.
Sunday evenings, I'd be home, of course, preparing myself for another work week. I'd listen to Check 1.. 2.. with Mr. Shovel because I love supporting local LA bands. They'd play Everybody Else, Nico Vega, So Many Wizards, Gram Rabbit, The Outline, The Deadly Syndrome, Happy Hollows, the amazing list goes on.
Then there was Jonesy's Jukebox! Which I couldn't listen to at noon since I'd be at work. But I would listen to the rebroadcast at 6. I mean, this is Steve Jones from the Sex Pistols we are listening to. Awesome.
Oh, and does this mean no more free summer concerts at the Hammer Museum? I've seen People in Planes, Silversun Pickups, and Shiny Toy Guns peform there. Loved driving out to Westwood on a summer night.